Weird Laws in Arkansas: Scratch Your Head Over These Bizarre Ordinances!

Magnifying glass focusing on the term 'law' in a book.

Arkansas, known for its rich history and natural beauty, also has a quirky side reflected in some of its laws. These weird laws in Arkansas might seem bizarre, amusing, and sometimes pointless in today’s modern society. Let’s dive into some of these peculiar statutes that will definitely make you scratch your head!

1. No Honking After 9 PM Near Sandwich Shops

In Little Rock, Arkansas, it is prohibited to honk your car horn near sandwich shops after 9 PM. This law aims to maintain peace and quiet in residential areas during nighttime, reflecting historical concerns about noise disturbances.

  • Purpose: To prevent disturbances in quiet neighborhoods.
  • Enforcement: Typically enforced to ensure neighborhood tranquility.
  • Historical Context: Originates from past sensitivities towards noise disruptions.

2. Alligators Not Allowed in Bathtubs

In Arkansas, it is against the law to keep alligators in bathtubs. This regulation serves to protect both public safety and animal welfare, highlighting unique legislative measures.

  • Reasoning: Protects against potential safety hazards.
  • Legislative Intent: Aimed at ensuring proper animal care practices.
  • Public Awareness: Raises awareness about unusual animal ownership laws.

3. No Mispronouncing Arkansas

Arkansas law mandates that the state’s name must be pronounced as “Arkansaw,” in adherence to its French-derived pronunciation. This law promotes cultural respect and linguistic tradition.

  • Cultural Significance: Reflects pride in linguistic heritage.
  • Legal Scope: No punitive measures for mispronunciation.
  • Community Impact: Encourages correct pronunciation in public discourse.

4. Teachers Can’t Bob Their Hair

During the early 20th century, female teachers in Arkansas were prohibited from wearing bobbed hair. This law, though no longer enforced, offers insight into historical attitudes towards professional appearance.

  • Historical Insight: Reflects past standards of professionalism.
  • Social Commentary: Illustrates gender-specific regulations in education.
  • Legal Evolution: Shows changes in societal norms over time.

5. Dogs Not Allowed to Bark After 6 PM

In specific areas of Little Rock, Arkansas, dogs are not permitted to bark after 6 PM. This ordinance aims to minimize noise disturbances during evening hours, promoting community harmony.

  • Community Regulation: Enhances quality of life in residential areas.
  • Enforcement Challenges: Practical implications of enforcing such laws.
  • Local Impact: Supports peaceful coexistence among residents.


Arkansas’s collection of odd laws showcases the quirky side of legal history. Whether these laws are practical jokes, serious enactments, or simply relics of the past, they make for great stories. Remember, while weird laws in Arkansas are fun to explore, always check the current legal environment to stay informed and compliant!


Q: Are these laws really still in effect?

A: While these laws are technically still on the books, many of them are not actively enforced. They often remain as historical artifacts of a very different time.

Q: Why does Arkansas have such bizarre laws?

A: Like many places, weird laws in Arkansas likely stemmed from specific incidents that legislators felt needed addressing at the time. As society changes, laws that once seemed reasonable can become obsolete or amusing.

Q: Can you actually be fined for breaking these weird laws?

A: In most cases, these laws are not enforced, so fines are unlikely. However, it’s always good to be aware and respectful of local statutes.

Q: How can I find out more about the laws in Arkansas?

A: Visiting local libraries or checking with Arkansas legislative websites can offer more insights into the state’s legal landscape, including any potential weird laws still lurking around!

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